Breathing life into static assets to create multi-channel motion content


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We were tasked with bringing existing product print patterns to life creating a series of living wallpapers to be used as back drops instore and on social media. We deconstructed existing artworks and recreated key features and sketched / animated these with flowers that opened, leaves and branches that moved in the wind and monkeys that picked the fruits.


Entrusted with the mission of transforming static product print patterns into dynamic, immersive experiences, our team embarked on the creative challenge of breathing life into existing designs. Our goal was to fashion a series of living wallpapers that would serve as captivating backdrops in-store and on social media platforms. To achieve this, we meticulously deconstructed the static artworks, isolating key elements that could be animated and brought to life. Flowers were delicately sketched to open gracefully, leaves and branches swayed with a simulated breeze, and mischievous monkeys were animated to playfully pick fruits from the patterns. The result was a visually enchanting fusion of art and technology, where the once-static prints metamorphosed into vibrant, dynamic compositions. These living wallpapers not only adorned the in-store environment but also captivated audiences on social media, creating an immersive brand experience that live multi-channel.